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Carli Lloyd turns diplomat and takes a US message to kids in Greece

TIME:2024-06-03 20:01:22 Source: Internet compilationEdit:sport

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One of America’s greatest soccer players is spending the week in Greece working with kids and remind

One of America’s greatest soccer players is spending the week in Greece working with kids and reminding everyone that the most important moments in sports don’t always end with a group of Champagne-soaked winners holding up a trophy.

Retired Olympian and World Cup star Carli Lloyd is joining onetime U.S. men’s great Cobi Jones on the pitch and in communities in Greece as part of a program tailored by the U.S. Embassy in Athens, “Changing the Game: Sports for Inclusion.” One of its missions is to remind kids, and maybe their parents, too, about the core reason we play sports — to learn to lead, include others and be a good teammate.

“What makes it special is that when these kids have a ball at their feet, all the rest of the worries and issues kind of go away,” Lloyd said in an interview with The Associated Press. “I hope that us kind of going around the world and speaking about my journey and what it took, the ups and downs, hopefully that can help, and help others.”